Your daily routine and habits

En el vídeo un dibujo te muestra una rutina diaria con el nombre de la actividad escrita debajo, que puedes oír dos veces.

Las rutinas diarias para la primera sección son del mundo laboral Me despierto ➣apago la alarma ➣me levanto ➣me ducho ➣me visto ➣me peino ➣preparo el desayuno ➣desayuno ➣me cepillo los dientes ➣voy a trabajar ➣empiezo a trabajar a las 9 ➣respondo los correos electrónicos ➣almuerzo ➣trabajo con el ordenador ➣termino de trabajar a las 5 ➣voy a casa ➣llego a casa ➣le doy de comer al perro ➣preparo la cena ➣ceno ➣veo la televisión ➣leo un libro ➣me acuesto ➣me duermo

➫En la siguiente sección hay rutinas diarias del mundo escolar Voy a la escuela ➣hago clases ➣termino la escuela a las 3 ➣voy a casa ➣hago los deberes

➫La sección final es un ejercicio de práctica donde aparece en la pantalla un dibujo de una rutina con tres frases. Se debe elegir la frase que describe la actividad. La respuesta aparece después de 5 segundos.

Your daily routine in the morning

The Present Simple Tense

It is used for:

➣General truths and facts

Water boils at 100º

The sun rises in the east

Apes laugh like humans

The train leaves at 12

➣Regular events AND HABITs

We often use frequency adverbs always ➣usually ➣often ➣sometimes ➣never

I always have a holiday in the summer. I never work in August.

He never eats outside. He doesn’t like restaurants.

They often buy vegan food.


Affirmative Negative Interrogative
I work I do not work ✄don’tDo I work?
You  understand You do not understand Do you understand?
He sleeps He does not sleep doesn’tDoes he sleep?
She thinks She does not think Does she think?
It works It does not work Does it work?
We study We do not study Do we study?
You go together You do not go together Do you go together?
They learn They do not learn Do they learn?

3rd person ( -s, -es ) Spelling ChangesClick here for exercises

exercises 1 – exercises 2 – exercises 3 – exercises 4

Yes / No Questions exercise 1

Wh- Questions exercise 1

A day in the life of Robinson Crusoe

reference: New Generation Colin Granger Heinemann

Simple present Verb to be

I am vegan✄ I‘m vegan
You are a teacher✄ You‘re a teacher
He is my son✄ He‘s my son
She is late✄ She‘s late
It is dark✄ It‘s dark
We are cold✄ We‘re cold
You are all very quiet✄ You‘re all very quiet
They are in a hurry✄ They‘re in a hurry

Click here to practise AFFIRMATIVE SENTENCES

I am not with these people ✄ I‘m not with these people
You are not a real doctor ✄ You aren’t a real doctor
He is not my dog ✄ He isn’t my dog
She is not upset ✄ She isn’t upset
It is not sunny ✄ It isn’t sunny
We are not students ✄ We aren’t students
You are not together ✄ You aren’t together
They are not satisfied ✄ They aren’t satisfied

Click here to practise NEGATIVE SENTENCES

Am I right ?
Are you a nurse ?
Is he here ?
Is she OK ?
Is it convenient ?
Are we together in this ?
Are you tired ?
Are they vegan ?

Click here to practise yes/no questions

Clich here to practise WH questions

Click here for mixed sentences

Simple present Verb to have

El verbo have (tener) presenta alguna dificultad al poderse utilizar de dos maneras (full verb or contracted). It depends on the choice of the speaker. When the contracted form is used, GOT is necessary.

I have a dream
You have a bike
He has a cottage
She has a few friends
It has some holes in it
We have energy
You all have some homework
They have compassion


I’ve got a dream
You’ve got a bike
He’s got a cottage
She’s got a few friends
It’s got some holes in it
We’ve got energy
You’ve all got some homework
They’ve got compassion

Conversion to negative and interrogative

You have confidence

You do not have confidence

Do you have confidence?


You’ve got confidence

You haven’t got confidence

Have you got confidence?

He has moxie

He does not have moxie

Does he have moxie?


He’s got moxie

He hasn’t got moxie

Has he got moxie?

Short answers

  • Have you got any coins? – No, I haven’t. I haven’t got any.
  • Do you have any coins? – No, I don’t. I don’t have any. 

Be careful because the form –ve gots got is only used when have means possession.

These expressions are only used as a full verb. They have other meaning than have:

  • Have a meal ➢eat
  • Have breakfast – lunch – tea – dinner ➢eat
  • Have a bath or a shower ➢wash oneself
  • Have a drink ➢drink
  • Have an argument ➢argue, fight
  • Have a cold ➢suffer
  • Have a party ➢celebrate, hold
  • Have a look ➢look, gaze, glance, peer

So, ➬ He never has breakfast (meaning He never eats breakfast) No ➬ He’s never got breakfast

Do they have parties? (meaning Do they celebrate parties?) No ➬ Have they got parties?

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